Serving the Accountancy sector as One entity

Effective from 1 April 2023, the following authorities will merge as one entity. The merged entity will take on the name of ACRA.

  1. Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA),
  2. the Singapore Accountancy Commission (SAC) and
  3. the Accounting Standards Council (ASC)

The merger will strengthen the effectiveness of regulation, standards-setting, and sector development by harnessing synergies across complementary accountancy-related functions.

The merged ACRA will take on SAC’s role to develop the accountancy sector. The Accounting Standards Committee to be set up by ACRA will set accounting standards for companies, charities, co-operative societies and societies in Singapore, a function now carried out by the Accounting Standards Council.

From 1 April 2023, please visit the ACRA website at for all information pertaining to accounting standard-setting and accountancy professional and sector development matters.

We look forward to your continued support as we foster a vibrant and trusted business environment that enables innovation and growth. 

With BizFile+ portal being mobile responsive, the ACRA-On-The-Go app will be discontinued and will no longer be supported.